Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Dammit, I got a lot to learn

Standing in line at the supermarket checkout. I turn around, see a really hot and cute girl give me a big, sexy smile.
In an instant, my brain shuts down, and I become unable to speak or act. Nothing happens.

The difference is, a while back, I would have been happy about the smile without even thinking about acting on it. Now, I kick myself for not acting, and think of ways to improve.

Plus, the reason I went to the supermarket was to stock up on super-healthy food, I'm taking my diet one step further towards healthiness.

Go, me! It's just my general approach to learning new things: I might suck, but everyday I suck a little less, I don't even notice the pain of failure, and I never stop trying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome stuffs man, glad to see you learning and getting better, im kinda the same level as you. its hard to engage right? this is my biggest problem, but an approach is harmless. this similar situ has occured alot of times to me aswell.
i have like these 2 conscience right, they always argue, and 1 of them stops me from doing my approach, while the other is an instinct that engages me. guess who wins most of the time? the 1 that stops me, because it leads to questions such as: is it the right time? whats her response? etc. giving an imediate stop chickening me out.
last week, i practiced training my engaging conscience by....guess what?
asking random women for the time!!
sounds stupid right?
but it worked! i just engaged, the best thing is...that its sooo inocent, and somehow, just somehow they always smile and also makes me practice my eye contact and reading body language. this is my exercise to help me motivate my engagement of approaches, by training that conscience.
once its trained i could just engage to an approach with a *click* with nothing holding me back :D
newayz if you would like to comment on this or have questions, this is my email: kev_sfdt_25@hotmail.com

2:31 AM  

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